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Distributive Competition

Human beings are competitive. It is the result of the interaction of the three aspects of human nature ISM. There are two types of competition which can be used to operate an economy Accumulative and Distributive. The existing system is Accumulative. I will describe a more functional type of economic system, Distributive.

We compete with one another to satisfy our need to feel meaningful by proving that we can achieve our goals. But who are we proving it to? We are proving it to each other. Humans derive the bulk of their relative meaningfulness by obtaining approval from each other. A little funny that a thing should derive it's meaningfulness from itself, but quite functional just the same. So under the accumulative system of competition we work hard, or cheat, and buy the largest house on the block so everyone can see that "we are high achievers". We expect others to value and admire us for this, and so we use it as a tool to provide meaning to ourselves, success by way of accumulatively competing. The person or group who has the most is the winner, or the most meaningful person or group.

1. We don't change the need to compete, primarily because we can't, nature wouldn't let us.
2. We don't change the reason why we compete, which is to make ourselves feel more meaningful than others. It is not wrong to pursue excellence and superiority. Nature has created us such that these are unavoidable pursuits.
3. What we change is "How we compete". 

Now imagine this: A man gets up in the morning, he looks out his front window and sees that the neighbors have purchased a swimming pool. He starts feeling jealous, then his wife and kids start talking about swimming pools and he is overwhelmed with the desire to provide such a luxury item for his family. It happens every day in the modern world. One man has accumulated excess private property so the next man feels jealous, less meaningful, and tries to out do him. 

Now what if instead of the neighbor having accumulated an additional piece of private property which made his neighbors admire him, he had distributed a public swimming pool; built a public swimming pool. How much more meaningfulness, or sense of value and admiration would the man acquire? A tremendous amount. Why? Because now not only has he eliminated the blind jealousy factor which was his previous source of admiration (feelings of meaningfulness), but the community will have a tremendous amount of gratitude towards him for providing them with a swimming pool

On this issue people will say "But some people in the community will abuse the swimming pool if it's public". This is true. And it is also why we MUST unify the philosophy of mankind under the truth of nature. Only this will enable people to see the greater good of mankind and the respect of "public" issues and property as the only functional means of personal advancement.

This is distributive competition. A system of competition based on the distribution of goods, services rather than on the accumulation of goods, services. The Asian countries have naturally, via evolution, implemented a system which approaches this distributive type far more closely than any other large group of people on the planet at this time. When they work they work for each other, and for their country. When they live they live for each other and for their country. A traditional Asian wouldn't even think to have a great quantity of goods unless it could be of some use to his community. They think community, they think distribute. Although, not even the Asian system is as efficient as the system which can be created in view of the new understanding of ourselves which is provided by UCOM. 

Ultimately a man can feel a lot more meaningful with nothing at all under a distributive system than he can with mounds of excess under the accumulative system but we are not talking about nothing at all here. Each person obtains a reasonable amount of personal comforts and the rest he distributes. In fact he continues to work and compete but not to gain anything except the admiration of the community for having assisted others by way of his accomplishments. Can you imagine a man walking down the street in the clothing of a commoner but with the ego of a king knowing that he himself has helped perhaps 1000 of his neighbors to obtain a comfortable standard of living? Everyone loving him far more than anyone else in the community. The meaningfulness, sense of self value, which this would provide is unparalleled in today's society.

If I had to give just one word to explain all of life and reality I would have to chose Relativity as the word. I'm telling you this because the distributive competition system is such a radical deviation from the existing system that you may not even be capable of seeing how it could function without a thorough explanation. I'll put your worries to rest on that point by saying "not only will it function, but it will function 1000 times more efficiently" and on top of that grand statement I will add "Not only can a system of distributive competition be instituted, but by the evolution of civilization it can not be avoided".

To institute a system of distributive competition it will be necessary to change the entire value structure of existing civilization. This may seem to be an unachievable task, but it is not. Nature has already begun to transform the existing system into one of distributive competition. This is shown by the increase in the number of charitable foundations which exist. She works silently, but she "never" fails.