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Webster's definition:

Human beings are meaningless. It is an intrinsic aspect of human nature which arises from our biological constitution. I will now explain this as clearly as I can so that everyone will understand.

To explain why human life is meaningless is a very difficult task because nobody wants to believe it. Just remember that changing your understanding of yourself and life does not change your history. You will still be a human and this will still be the planet earth and we will still be trying to cooperate in advancing on it. Nothing will really change except the accuracy of your decisions. that said I will proceed.

If you read the section on selfishness then you have been introduced to the reality of Relativity, if you have not read the following:

Think of darkness. Now think of extreme darkness. How did your mind go from mere darkness to extreme darkness? It thought about removing light. Why did your mind think of removing light to understand extreme darkness? Did you ever try to make a room darker by removing darkness? Impossible, because if you remove darkness the room becomes light. Whereas if you remove light the room becomes extremely dark. This is Relativity! Relativity is the basis of all thinking or calculating with any device whether it is a computer using zeros and ones, binary 01, or a human thinking of darkness and light. Thoughts can only take place because we have two or more pieces of information that we can relate to each other. No thought can exist without a Relative basis to define it!

Now that you understand Relativity we can apply that knowledge to the word value. To say a thing has meaning is to say a thing has value and value like all else is a Relative word. So if you told me "I have value", I would ask you Relative to what do you have value? You would say "I have value because my family needs me.", and I would say, good, then you are valuable relative to your family, but relative to what is your family valuable? You see value has to have a definite, provable basis before it can begin to exist. If I asked your family that same question they would say they are valuable for the same reason. This means that you are taking your value from them and they are taking their value from you and that is an impossibility because value must have a definite, provable basis.

There are only two things in the Universe: matter and energy. Everything you see around you is one of those two things, even you. But Albert Einstein has proven that matter is directly convertible into energy E=MC2. What this means is that there is only ONE thing in the universe! Value is Relative, what this means is that in reality value can not even exist and it doesn't. Humans create value and then they apply it to themselves to fill the void inside them which requires meaningfulness. Or in more scientific words: Humans invent value for themselves to act as the relative center for all subsequent valuations. This inventing of value ensues from our lack of understanding as it pertains to universal reality. Value at this point in human evolution is similar to mythology at a previous point in human evolution. Which is to say it fills a gap in our understanding of universal reality which will eventually be obsolete.

Humans are meaningless, but don't feel all alone, so are all the other animals which roam the surface of this planet and you don't see them crying about it. All of our emotions come from this need for meaning in our lives. Our feelings of love come from this need for meaning in our lives. Some people like to think that gods created us and that way they can just say "we are valuable because gods give us value", but that is a little too simple and childish an explanation to allow us to truly grasp the reality of what and where we are. Blind faith will not act as a solid basis of knowledge for the future advancement of human civilization. Therefore, even though we do not like to realize that we are in fact meaningless creatures which roam this planet, we must do so. Understanding exactly what we are is a preliminary step in the process of advancing beyond primitivism.

Think about it. Being meaningless really changes nothing. We will still invent our own meaningfulness. We will still have love and hate, war and peace. All it changes is your basic understanding of who and what we are, and by so doing it opens the doors for a future with less confusion and chaos for all of humanity. So let it be said So let it be written So let it be done.

From now on you must understand that all the value which you give and take in your life is in fact just value that you have invented. From this point you will be much more amenable to understanding other people's value as their invention and NOT a problem but a solution, their solution, to a problem we all have which is meaninglessness.