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Philosophy, Music, Art


Literacy (Top)

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The picture above is a map. Notice that as the frames change the picture becomes clearer. Literacy is exactly the same. The illiterate mind essentially lives in a state of perpetual delirium and is confounded by it accordingly. Competitiveness is a function of literacy and competitiveness is the foundation of economic expansion. With this knowledge we can easily understand why the third world is under developed. It has nothing to do with the genetics of the Humans.

Literacy has for all of history been rather expensive. Only the privileged could afford to have it. With the advent of the bourgeoisie, who rose out of industrialization, there came the widespread proliferation of education. Such that it enabled the likes of myself. Now with the end of the capitalistic mode of production at our heels civilization is again rounding off it's pointed edges. Meaning that wealth is again accumulating into just a few hands. With this new accumulation of wealth there comes a wave of reduction over the citizenry. As the distribution of wealth tightens into progressively fewer hands the citizenry is progressively pushed into insolvency. As the citizenry becomes progressively insolvent their access to education declines likewise. This is the process with which nature creates an untouchable caste. As the citizenry decline to the level where they nolonger value education mysticism (religion) rises to fill the gaps in their common illiteracy.

Zero Separation is a system with which we can not only retain existing literacy but expand the prevelence of relevant literacy throughout the entire Human population. Engaging all of Humanity in the economic symphony of civilization.

Philosophy, Music, Art (Top)

As mankind rose into the matrix of time and space as a sentient beast he set out on a mission to comprehend the world around him. From that day until this he has expressed his progress in three forms.

Within any confined group of humans there exists as many perspectives on Universal reality as there is allowance for deviation of thought within the group. Of course the size of these groups weighs in as a major factor owing to the fact that more extreme deviations are likely to exist in larger groups unnoticed and therefore not penalized into conformity by the dominant philosophy of the group. The dominant philosophy appends it's strictest guidelines to originating new philosophies. The dominant philosophy if allowed to age beyond it's usefulness can literally suffocate all new philosophies as a result of too many old philosophy experts having too much invested and thus too much to lose by allowing deviations. It becomes a shelter for the in crowd, a control lever and forms a pyramid of oligarchies of caste whereby the first comers control all those who enter subsequently. I would guess that every philosophy in it's last days has aged beyond it's usefulness as a result of this reality.


The origin of new philosophies is a strictly guarded enterprise. For he who holds the highest truth holds also the mightiest sword and Kingdoms can crumble and rise anew on top of new philosophies. As a result of these truths and that perfecting a new philosophy is such an exhaustive task few new philosophies actually have any promise for humankind as a whole. 

Between major advancements in humankinds philosophical evolution there are millions of bits and pieces of philosophical knowledge floating around within various populations which are more accurate than the dominant philosophy but so scattered that they appear to be completely unrelated. These bits and pieces of new philosophies which float around and eventually contribute to the formation of complete new philosophies are the basis for all trends, sub cultures and general deviation within any group. 

Eventually somebody comes along who can, more than anything else, put all of these bits and pieces of floating around philosophical knowledge together to form the complete picture of a new philosophy. Until that happens cults, sects, trends, music, and Art will be a reflection more of these new bits and pieces of philosophical knowledge than anything else even without the singer, writers, artist having knowledge of the process that they themselves are, which is the evolutionary process of humankind as a sentient beast in time and space. Also until the occurrence of this point of completion the entire group of humans involved is in a progression of more or less meandering in the general direction of this complete new philosophy with or without any knowledge of so doing. They have no choice, it is the life force, it is the evolutionary process, it is instinctual, it is life.


Music is an emotional instrument of expression. Many reflexes of the body are guided by thoughtless emotion. Of course most music also consists of words and these words if not reflecting the bits and pieces of inconclusive philosophical knowledge of the current day would not have much appeal to the population. We are all philosophers, as the pursuit of enhancing our condition is universal and this is best accomplished by way of increasing our knowledge of natural circumstance. Thus the goal of establishing the nature of truth is in all Humans, especially those who are set on a definite coarse of questioning life. Musicians and songwriters exist someplace above the average in comprehension of universal reality (above average knowledge seekers - philosophers).

Something all musicians would do well to consider is that Humans are dominated by ISM.
The insatiableness of Humans can be captured with a diverse, yet harmonious, and expanding melody.
This is where branches of music come into play. The songs must relate to the listener.
Don't walk on people's emotions. Don't dominate the innocent, better that you battle with the warriors. Females for example may accept subordination, but it is by no means the goal of females to view themselves as pathetic weaklings, or instruments of male promiscuity. Better that you be uninterpretably entertaining than rude to people's emotional constitution. This is very complex and depends on how well you understand your audience.

Music, encapsulating the emotion of the human beast, can take on a violent phase if too many bits and pieces of inconclusive philosophical knowledge exist and thus convince everyone without conscious awareness or consensus that the time for change is upon them. And if such musicians are suppressed by the dominant philosophy they will simply express the bits and pieces of new knowledge in a billion other ways. The incipience of this new philosophical knowledge can not be stopped, it can only be redirected. If it stopped social evolution would have to stop with it.


Likewise Art is an expression of these bits and pieces of new philosophical knowledge floating around in groups of humans. But unlike philosophy itself which exists under the strictest guidelines and music which exists under strict guidelines Art exists under almost no guidelines at all. The fact that Art exists under almost no guidelines makes deviations in Art one of the first sign posts of the origin of new philosophical knowledge. So much so that one can frequently see in the Art of the current day not only the next large philosophical epoch but several of such epochs yet to come. Of course to have the ability to elucidate such things would mean to have the complete new philosophy in hand and it's creation is pent up in the working out of all these elaborate social evolutionary processes (bits and pieces of philosophy, music, and art) and thus could not possibly be comprehended by the observer looking at a piece of Art in his day.

Interpreters  (Top)

Sentient beasts are interpreters of universal process.

Interpreters of universal process exist in a pyramidal hierarchy, similar to most other known phenomena. High level interpreters exist at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy and low level interpreters exist at the bottom of the pyramidal hierarchy.

The distribution of wealth, available resources, on Earth, would under functional circumstances almost exactly parallel this pyramidal hierarchy of interpreters. The cyclical collapse of human economic foundations results from synchronization errors there in. Which is to say that the pyramidal structure of resource distribution has diverged from the structure of high and low level interpreters.

Even animals of the field, cats - dogs, are interpreters of universal process who exist, some, at the lowest levels of interpretation.

The most any Human can hope to accomplish is to be a good door man for mother nature. And the chief ingredient in a good door man is knowing how to get out of the way. Worse, we can not even expect her to be obliging for all of our efforts, on the contrary, she will probably be filled with disdain to realizing it took us so long to understand.




















