The Cover Them Up Assembly Line |
It all starts when some group of people get some kind of advantage. All of a sudden they are winners and find themselves in a position of authority. They seal the area off from competition, securing their advantage. Then they begin building a dynasty of thoughtlessly obedient helpers to carry out all of their obligations, chores, vengeances and general responsibilities. At first all of their energies and the energies of their drones are pointed directly at "dominating the advantage" that they have found. Soon thereafter they have formed "agreements" with other advantage hoarders and "dominating the advantage" becomes an easy, even perfunctory ritual carried out by their helpers. Life gets too easy, too mellow, too accommodating and soon it becomes a burden to even "listen to opposing points of view" and the advantage holders set about the second stage in the development of their Insanity, which is "dominating anything that bothers them". Doors are shut, memberships are retracted, and entry fees are instituted at all engagements they attend to protect them from the "things that bother them". Social castes begin to take form (great separations of wealth, life style and appearance) and as you ascend from the lower to the higher castes things take on a progressively diminished, or mellow and accommodating atmosphere. This happens amongst the dynasty's helpers as well as it's rulers because many of the helpers are in constant close contact with the dynasty's rulers. Soon the outsiders, or the lower castes - (the great bulk of humanity), begin to take on an eerie sub human appearance, so far has the reality of their daily lives sunk below that of the dynasty rulers (PCs) and it's helpers. At this point the lower castes - (the great bulk of humanity) being little more than rude, unaccommodating dogs in the progressively Insane minds of the dynasty rulers and their helpers are looked upon as low grade objects to be exploited any way possible. Soon the entire social structure is set up, without even verbalizing the reality of it, to use and exploit the lower castes, or the great bulk or humanity. The helpers who operate nearly every dynasty's lower echelons find themselves prompting the great bulk of the people to engage in activities and behaviors such as cause the citizenry damage simply to generate more bodies to run through the system. The faster and longer the system runs (doctors, lawyers, judges, jails, policing, dentists) the more money their is to be made for both the dynasty rulers (PCs) and their helpers. After several generations of running this exploit the unworthy lower caste citizens assembly line, millions of citizens begin completely falling out of social functionalism due to lack of finances, status, or insufficient education to successfully navigate the ever more complex assembly line of exploitation being operated by the dynasty rulers (PCs) and their helpers. These undesirables, those who fall out of social functionalism, can not be allowed to clutter the streets with angry faces and "unaccommodating things to say". So it becomes necessary to implement a "Cover Them Up" system, or a way of permanently "dumping the bodies". Public recreation areas, parks, etc., are fenced, gated and locked down after hours. Public laundry businesses have had to remove sinks to prevent all the unfortunates from over using them. Water facets on every building in society have had their on / off valves removed. Public restrooms, almost everywhere, have been either shut down or fitted with special "customer only" security systems. One can only imagine just how many millions of people were actually shut out of society such that all of these things experienced a period of "excessive demand" as human beings fell out of solvency and resorted to publicly available means of cleaning, feeding and caring for themselves. It's a heinous picture. At this point millions of otherwise normal citizens begin to "go insane". Hospitals become a common place for "accidental deaths". Plane crashes become a daily reality. Assisted suicides take on an it's O.K. appeal. Prison sentencing becomes very harsh, albeit not entirely accurate in their delegation of sentences (targeting undesirables). And more and more prisons seem to pop up out of no where as do jails and police. You take a look outside and you see almost nothing happening because nearly every type of Human endeavor which is not directly profitable to the dynasty rulers (PCs) and their helpers has been shut down, "covered up" to eliminate "unaccommodating things". Society takes on an eerie ghost town type of atmosphere while all the dynasties "act as if nothing at all is wrong" because nothing appears to be wrong as their ability to perceive reality has been severely distorted by their progressive Insanity which ignores "undesirable realities". What results is a social machine very much like an assembly line whose sole function begins to focus on first exploiting the citizenry to the point of uselessness by running them through the various dynasties (hospitals removing organs, dentists removing teeth, night clubs dosing them up on drugs, jails punishing them for their bad behavior, retailers selling them junk to "try to keep themselves alive") to generate profit for the dynasty rulers (PCs) and their helpers. Then finding a suitable place to hide all the bodies until they die. The modern world is doing this now and this has become the primary source of income and reason for turning the wheels of industry, or the foundation principal of modern economics; reducing the general citizenry to the caste of untouchables. It has resulted because those in power in the modern world are mostly inheritors (see solution to inheritance) and have completely lost touch with what is happening in their progressive Insanity. They have proved themselves incapable of finding a "higher system of organization" which is all inclusive and have resigned themselves to this punitive "cover them up" assembly line reduction of the citizenry to untouchables as a way of keeping the wheels of industry turning even after they have completely lost touch with the concept of why. See Also Music Gangs & Prison |