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Webster's Definition:

Human beings are insatiable. It is an intrinsic aspect of human nature which arises from our biological constitution. I will now explain this as clearly as I can so that everyone will understand.

If you close off all of your five senses: Close your eyes, block your ears, touch nothing, taste nothing, smell nothing. What would you be doing? You would still be doing something because there is one thing that you can not stop and that is thinking. You would be sitting there thinking about things that you had seen, heard, touched, tasted, and or smelled in the past. This is very important in understanding yourself because it indicates a basic reality of all life forms, which have brains, and that is that brains can not be turned off. The reason for this is that all of our knowledge, all of our reality, is stored by the brain in live nerve cells. A live nerve cell holds an electrical potential, much like the binary number system used by computers, each brain cell holds an electrical potential, some are off and some are on, 0/1. By calculating trillions of combinations of offs and ons the brain thinks. If you were to turn off the brain for a moment, or two, millions of cells would start losing their electrical potential and the person who used to exist would lose all of his/her memory.

So we have established that the brain is a bio chemical device which can not be turned off. Now all we have to do is consider one other biological property of the brain then I will explained why humans are insatiable by their nature and can not change this reality.

The other property of the brain which is of importance to us here is really the main function of the brain. Which is to store information. A brain's main function is to store information so that it can be used to make accurate decisions. Many animals have brains, but most animals can store only very small amounts of information in their brains. this is an important fact because the more knowledge the brain can store the less it needs to gather by sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell every time it wants to make a decision. Humans have profound abilities to store knowledge, birds on the other hand have much less ability to store knowledge. As a consequence of this these attributes of human nature, like insatiableness, really don't manifest themselves in lesser animals, or at least not to any noticeable extent.

Now I'll put those two biological properties of the brain together:

We have a brain which can not be turned off. Therefore it must constantly be thinking, or moving. Then we have a profound ability to store knowledge. Put them together and you have an animal which observes something, learns what it needs to know about it and because the brain must keep moving it becomes bored with the thing it was observing and becomes discontented wanting to move on to another observation.. This is a biological trait and can not be changed. It is an intrinsic aspect of human Nature. Of course should the brain not be working correctly or the ability to store knowledge be very small then this aspect of Human nature may be so very limited that it could not even be noticed, but it must exist even if only in an infantile stage of development. This boring with familiarity caused by the kinetic brain, given stored knowledge, is what gives rise to the insatiable aspect of Human nature.