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Enhancing Our Conception Of Truth

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The Cycle Of Human Advancement (Top)

Step number two in How Human Civilization Advances is characterized by enhancements in the Human conception of truth.
These enhancements are inabled by the surreptitious enhancement of tools.

What this page explains is how this process looks from a macroscopic view point.

It appears that the inevitabe divergence into insanity results from the prevailing philosophy inevitably splitting off from a straight line of evolution. As Humans enhance their means of production (tools) each successive philosophy eventually exists in contrast to a straight line of evolution. This inevitable "divergence into insanity", coming into contrast with a straight line of evolution, causes a progressive increase in aimless Human thought (new vehicles without pathways). This aimless thought, spread throughout the entire Human population, is insanity as it moves out of synchronization with a straight line of evolution as a result of the prevailing philosophy being obsolete and the population having become certain of the prevailing philosophy. In certainty thoughts are no longer changing with the dynamics of social evolution and the mind diverges, haphazardly, onto pathways which are incongruent with evolution. The philosophy of the people has solidified in a fluid universe.

In the trough of insanity, where one would find the climactic of aimless thought, is born the philosopher who is the pinnacle of insanity as he is the origin of a new sanity which must necessarily exist in contradistinction to the prevailing sanity which has diverged into insanity.

As the population diverges into aimless thought fractions of it are set off towards rediscovering truth to variable extents as a result of existing within variable extents of uncertainty. Over time expressing their thoughts and intuitions in everything from art and music to poetry and books until at last one person, the philosopher, accurately puts it all together into a higher level conception of truth. Characteristic of the philosopher is that he is incapable of diverging into insanity along with the population as he is incapable of certianty. It is this inability to be certain which elevates the philosopher to a higher level of truth as for him it is the only possibility.

With the coming of the pinnacle of insanity, the philosopher, the evolution of Human civilization begins to realign itself with a straight line of evolution, thus sanity, by accepting a revised conception of truth.

And through this process the Human conception of truth "a straight line of evolution" is enhanced.

- This picture is getting clearer, but it still isn't exactly correct -




















